Friday, July 8, 2011

New Year's Resolutions in July...

You know… a lot of people make New Year Resolutions… (Now I know it is nowhere close to New Year, but I think my philosophy applies today.)  They want to lose weight, quit smoking, and eat healthier… All of these things make us feel better about ourselves or perhaps we think they will give us longevity… I personally believe no matter what we do we will never add one day to our lives…

As humans, we think we have control over things of this nature… Maybe not control, but we believe we will feel better throughout the life that we do have by making all these changes… Whichever the case they basically serve one purpose and one purpose only…  OURSELVES…

I, myself, make the same resolution every year… The first being: Help someone every day… no matter how small the token… it doesn’t have to be anything huge… for instances… when I see an older person at the grocery store I hold the door open for them or help them unload their groceries… Yes, sometimes little old ladies look at me as if I were going to rob them… (we do not trust each other anymore… it use to be NORMAL to help people… now they wonder what you want from them later if you lend a hand now… ßI am guilty of this thought myself…) The second resolution I make each year is to laugh HARD at least once a day… I mean… side hurts, tears running down your face, can’t breathe…hard!!!!  You would think this would be a simple thing to do… let me tell you… I have found this to be the harder of the 2 resolutions…

Sometimes we (this definitely includes me) get so wrapped up in the circumstances going on around us that we forget to live life… we forget to stop and breathe, look around at what we have already conquered, where we were and where we are, the beauty that surrounds us… and in our gloom… without even meaning too… we steal other people’s laughter…

Now, I am not saying that we cannot talk to others about our problems… no…not at all!!!  We all need that one really good friend that we can lean on and vent too… That place that we can cry and scream and they don’t look at us as if we need a straight jacket...

And… sometimes… we read more into a situation that is a simple thing… one easily explained… one that had no bearing what-so-ever in the first place… Sometimes in our mistrust of those around us we exaggerate a situation… Which brings me to the reason for the blog…

Recently my world has been turned upside down… I hate to admit it, but I am one of these people that are always waiting for the bottom to fall from beneath me and that I am going to fall spiraling down toward a black abyss that will swallow me whole and hold me captive forever… Now… I do not wear this on my sleeve… I cover my insecurity very well… I am always LOOKING for a reason to laugh or cracking a joke and even blessing someone’s heart. (If this last statement makes no sense then read prior blog!!!)

Due to the recent “falling apart of my world” I forgot to just stop and breathe etc etc… So in my insecurity I was secretly EXPECTIING the rest of my world to go down as well…

So one day, just a few days ago… I decided to clean… I mean really clean… So I began in the kitchen… scrubbed counters, swept mopped… all that good stuff… I eventually made my way into the closet…

Well I rounded up all the dirty clothes (because there really is no such thing as laundry fairies) and even moved the dresser that I have in there to get at the socks that had fallen down behind it… When low and behold a pair of dress socks appeared… It was heavy… and tied in a knot… so I untied the knot and “dirt” started to fall from it… so I looked inside… low and behold… another dress sock tied in a knot with something in it… So I proceed to pull it out and untie it… when I looked inside my heart fell to the floor… POT was in my house… yes people!!!  The stank weed, maryjane, wacky weed… whatever you choose to call it… it was in MY house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Granted it smelled like it was 15 years old and was the cheap crap found in the bottom of the bag… but still… IT WAS POT IN MY HOUSE… I don’t care how cheap smelling it was!!!!

Now, don’t get me wrong… back in the day I saw my share of this… I am really not that much against it now except for… IT’S ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!  I have children in my house… my father is in the political arena… WHAT IN THE CRAP IS THIS DOING IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Immediately the blame goes to my poor husband… for 3 days I did not speak to him… (talk about bringing people into your gloom!!!) He had no idea what I had found, why I was so upset, or why I wasn’t speaking to him… Honestly, my mind was turning… deciding what I had to do… if it were just he and I in the home maybe he could go to rehab or something… but… I have children to think about and my dad… what if someone found out… you know how the media can be… and in a small town everyone knows everything!!!!!!!

OH MY GOSH!!!!  What to do…what to do… thank God I had my friends… which all came to my husband’s defense… (he is an awesome man and does no wrong… even in the eyes of my family… they feel sorry for him because he has to put up with me!!!) I am still not convinced that he is innocent… I mean… my children aren’t going to hide THEIR pot in their dad’s dress socks and leave them in MY closet people!!!!  This momma didn’t raise no fools!!!

Long story shortened a bit… My husband comes home from work and tells me that I have to tell him what is going on… So without saying a word I get up from my chair, walk into the kitchen, open the drawer where I have stashed the pot, and come back into the living room and hurled it at his head!!!!  YES HURLED!!!!!!!!! 

His eyes get very wide… not as in “oh, crap I am busted” but as in “oh… my… gosh… what is this doing in my house!!!” 

He opened the baggie I had put it in and smelled it… Now my husband being a “head” much longer than I ever thought of being… started to laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am thinking “has he gone mad… what the crap!?!?”

He collects himself… barely… and says, “Baby, did you get this out of a dress sock???”
“Yes!” I half screamed…
More hysterical laughing… “baby, this is catnip I got for the cat!!!”
He then explains the socks were “holey” and he and the girls were dragging them around playing with the cat, who was then, just a kitten…

Talk about laughing HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was so relieved… I felt dumb as a rock, but hey… it’s been 17 years since I have laid eyes on, smelled of, or been around any of that stuff… (At least y’all now know that I am sooooooo not a “head”)

So… from now on… my resolutions will be
1. Help someone every day.
2. Laugh HARD every day.
3. Learn to trust…even if it means I get hurt in the end…
4. Don’t make pot out of catnip!!!

In closing… Take a minute to breathe… don’t always expect the worst… and when the worst rears its ugly head… don’t assume anything!!! Take a moment, don’t jump to conclusions, look around you… trust those around you… if it turns out to be as bad as you think… deal with it then… cross the bridge as you come to it, don’t burn the sucker down before you even see it!!!!!

Lastly… change your resolutions… make life more about others and not so much ourselves… I do believe the world would be a better place… and if all else fails… buy catnip, put it in a dress sock and play with the kitten… when you find it 12 years later and assume its pot… your sure to get your hard laugh in for the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Missy, I don't think my post went through. It was quite detailed, describing why I liked each part, and how well it flowed. Look, if I try to post this & it works, I might try again. Lordy, I don't know what I'm doing!!
