Friday, July 22, 2011

Push Presents... WTH!!!

Okay … so far my “mad” housewife rantings have been memories that I enjoyed making… but today… I seriously want to just rant for a second…

Push Presents… do you guys know what this is??? For those of you who, like me, are in the dark about this new gifting system here is the basic principle of it:  Push Presents are very expensive presents that a husband buys for his wife for pushing out their baby…


Have women really reverted to this… do we have no shame??? We want equal rights, the same money for the same work, paid maternity leave etc etc… and now we want push presents???

Okay, am I the only sane person left on the face of the earth… have women become so materialistic that we actually EXPECT a gift for giving birth…

Look, this is something that we are suppose to do… our bodies are specifically designed to give birth… and now we want diamond rings, diamond bracelets, earrings etc etc to do our JOB???? 

What the hell are you being “paid” for… (I mean really that is what it boils down to… your husband is paying you in diamonds for pushing out your child…) Because here is the real truth of the matter… most women… notice the word most… get epidurals… so there is no pain… you only push two or three times because while your laying in that bed chatting with you partner, friends and family the contractions (THAT YOU'RE NOT FEELING) are slowly pushing your baby out for you… and then there are those who have C-Sections… ummmm should they get a “push” present as well??? What did they push???

So we now want presents for 9 months of throwing up, heartburn, our bladders being used as waterbeds and pushing (or not) when the time has come…

Here is my take…. how about YOUR BABY being your present… is that not reward enough???

It is a sad day people when women think they deserve diamonds for doing what comes naturally to us… and let’s face it nothing about birth in this day and age is natural… if you want to give a push present to someone… go buy your grandmother and great grandmother push presents… they had nothing for pain, usually gave birth at home in their beds by a midwife and instead of laying around for 3 days and getting diamonds they got up and made breakfast the next morning…

For the record… my first child (who was breech) I almost had naturally… nothing for pain… not even a shot… 11 and a half hours of true hard pushing…  that is until they discovered she was breech Indian style and stuck in the birth canal with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck… at which point I was put to sleep and an emergency C-section was performed to save both my life and the life of my child…as I had begun to hemorrhage… my second birth was natural until I pulled my husband’s hair during a contraction (purely accidental) …at which point he begged me to get the epidural… which I did… I pushed twice and she was here…

And, NO… I did not want… nor did I receive diamonds… but what I did get was the two most beautiful babies laid on my chest which was payment enough for my effort …or lack thereof…


  1. I like the part about giving push presents to grandma & great grandma. I've never heard of push presents until now. Crazy. Your writing is fantastic!!
